Devoted Home Care Services


Care Team

On Call



Care Team

On Call


Meet the Team

Meet the Team

Devoted Home Care Services’ mission is to reach out to individuals who are unwell, elderly, disabled, and ‘homebound’ and improve the quality of their lives in every possible manner. To alleviate the fears and pitfalls of suffering and helplessness, we believe in fostering an atmosphere of caring that dignifies the individual and possesses an ambiance of friendliness, trustworthiness, and honesty of purpose. All care, regardless of the specific area, is person-centered. Devoted Home Care Services, in essence, signifies “devote”  to making a difference that counts to our clients, our clients, and the community.” We “are dedicated to offering high-quality support to our clients in each service area. The Company was formed due to the growing demand for community Home care Services. Our director, a registered manager with a strong nursing background, leads a team of devoted care professionals.  


Registered Manager/ Director


Deputy Manager


Care Team Leader


Live-In Care Supervisor